On feeling unworthy


Let me ask you this: What makes you worthy? What are you (or your mind) basing your worth in?

Take a sec to feel into your answer. Be honest. There’s no right or wrong.

✨Is it how productive you are?
✨How many things you get done?
✨How “busy” you are?
✨How much people love, appreciate and recognise you?
✨How much money is in your bank account?
✨How “successful” you are at your job?
✨Being considered a “good” mum, partner, friend?
✨How you look?

This is something that keeps coming up again and again with my clients, and it’s at the very core of claiming back our freedom.

The thing is, if we base our worth in something we do (or don’t do), we’re trapped.

We’ll always feel the drive/compulsion to continue to do the thing we deem makes us worthy… because being worthless would mean being unlovable, unsuccessful, mediocre, losing respect [insert whatever else your minds tells you]. So obviously we can’t afford not to do it, the stakes are too high.

Yet when we base our worth in something external to us, we will be at the mercy of that thing… since we’ve given our power (worth) away to it.

Hence freaking out when we have free time, and immediately filling it with stuff (since not doing = not being worthy) or our addiction to people pleasing at the cost of our self-respect (since not being liked = not being worthy).

I’m here to tell you: You’re inherently worthy.

Your worth is your birthright.

It doesn’t go up or down. It cannot be taken away from you.

It comes from your BEING, not your doing.

When you really claim back your power, and recognise your worth - a new level of freedom arrives.

Suddenly, there’s nothing to prove. There’s nothing to lose. There’s no need to DO anything.

You open up to living life more fully, on your own terms and alignment.

You’re off the hook, baby. 🦋

Jeanine Gasser