what my clients say about the experience of working together


Jeanine is one to watch in the coaching arena. I’ve no doubt she’ll be a very successful global coach sharing important messages for new generations.

Jeanine is an incredible intuitive coach. She’s able to hold a very deep space for everyone she works with. She has a nurturing and loving energy, within seconds you feel held and supported to face topics and questions that have been unseen or unresolved within you for many years.

She’s an inspiration and a wise soul whose wisdom transcends time and space. If you’re lucky enough to be supported by her, expect big transformations in your life.

Graceful yet fierce, she will guide you into a powerful journey of unravelling and letting go of old programmes and stories. Know that when you’re connecting with Jeanine you’re ready to expand. Jeanine is an extraordinary facilitator for expansion.

Jody Shield


Jeanine’s my life saviour! She’s kept me focussed and on track with what’s important in my business. She has also pushed me out of my comfort zone ever so gently many times, always to remind me that I had more power than I realised! Besides taking the load of work down by helping me have a real strategy, working with this real life angel has also brought me confidence, peace of mind and more time to myself.

My work is to support others to feel better, but without support I can’t show up 100% for my community. Working with Jeanine is an investment worth every penny. You’re not just investing in your biz, you’re investing in yourself!

Pilates instructor & Wellness coach

Working with Jeanine was a huge game changer for me. It has been an absolutely wonderful and exciting journey! I have discovered so much about myself, my patterns and how to overcome my fears.

When I first met Jeanine I felt a special connection, just being around her I felt safe. Jeanine’s warm, loving, kind nature provides me a space to feel totally relaxed and able to share my feelings in a safe non judgemental environment. Jeanine has a way of making you feel at ease, open and each session feels like a weight has been lifted.

Before working with Jeanine, I felt very disconnected from myself and found life very overwhelming! Jeanine has helped me to work through deep blocks, as well as find solutions and new perspectives which has had a very positive effect on my relationships and more importantly, the relationship with myself.

There is no one else I would trust to help guide me through the crazy journey of life.

I have learned so much about myself, developed a deeper connection and learned how to live life more fully. I’ve been able to overcome challenges, genuinely feel much more at ease in my daily life (without the constant up and downs and need for reassurance) - things now feel less exhausting and more expansive.

I look forward to every session with her and I know I wouldn’t have been able to come this far without her truthful, wise, genuine words and support. I love working with her, I feel so so lucky and happy our paths crossed. I feel like I come home to myself more and more after our calls.

Thank you so much Jeanine, it’s such a pleasure working with you. I look forward to uncovering what unfolds and what I can create as we continue to work together!

C.H., UK


I wanted to work with Jeanine as I had spoken to her about my business idea and she not only believed in the idea but also in my ability to make it happen… even though I didn’t believe in myself at the start! Before working together I felt pretty overwhelmed at the prospect of starting my business from scratch, plus I was also quite time poor as I work in TV production. 

Through being coached by Jeanine, I have gone from square one in my business to connecting with my WHY, having a clear offering, and creating a strategy to engage with my audience. I was able to move past limiting beliefs, such as not being good enough, not having enough time and fear of showing up on social media. I also signed my first paid client after coaching with her!

Whenever I wavered she was there to support and guide me. Jeanine’s approach is unique as she intuitively knows where you're self sabotaging or holding yourself back and will gently show you how to move past that. She's also able to help you recognise skills in yourself that you didn’t even know you had.

Thanks to working with Jeanine, I now feel confident and excited about the next steps for growing my business. I would love to work with her again in the future and cannot recommend her enough, she knows her stuff and if you work with Jeanine you can certainly reach your business goals much quicker than if you were to go it alone.

Ella St John McGrand
Sobriety Coach/TV Producer


Before working with Jeanine I felt stuck on what to do, where my business was going. Since being coached by her, I have worked on everything that has held me back over the last few years and have noticed BIG shifts in what I have achieved and the progress I have made. I have made more progress in the last few months than the last year!

I have worked with many coaches but Jeanine offered me a space to feel truly heard, to dig deep into my mindset and completely transform it, to explore the challenges I perceived and created for myself, as well as lovingly pushing and calling me out on my BS! Jeanine is caring and present in our sessions as well as between sessions which has kept me on track. I feel like she always has my back.

She’s a wealth of knowledge when creating and building a business, from podcasts, to copy, to email lists and everything in between. Each session brings so many new insights and actions to move me forward to my dream goals! I think it is her unique charismatic approach that creates the results I’ve been seeking.

Kim Barnard
Entrepreneur, Life & Business Coach

I met Jeanine at an event and was immediately drawn to her; she exudes quiet confidence, warmth, and wisdom. I didn't think I was a life coach "kind of person" until years later when I found out she was a coach and had availability!

Before working together, I was so tired of living my life feeling unproductive, useless, fraught, constantly stuck in my head, overwhelmed and paralysed into inaction out of fear of making the "wrong" decisions.

Now, I'm so grateful to this absolute goddess who helped me navigate a devastating break up, recently recovering from the fog that is depression, lost and confused in the most challenging period of my adult life, and bearing the consequences of the toughest decision I've ever made.

Jeanine's support helped me gain insights that clicked to enable me to make better choices for me and my life. Jeanine shone a light, always with absolute kindness and love, on how I speak to myself and helped me begin to chip away at the incredibly ingrained beliefs that have held me back for so long. I learned what personally gives me clarity and how to challenge my incessant negative mental chatter.

I've never felt good enough but Jeanine taught me how to recognise and celebrate my wins every day. She held me to account and provided a safe space in which to open up without judgement. She helped me to see how my perfectionistic tendencies paralyse me in my daily life and offered a simple mantra to help make decisions and take action, which has been invaluable.

With Jeanine's unwavering belief in me, she gave me the confidence to trust in myself that I can improve the tumultuous experience that is life. She has the most contagious knowing smile and enthusiasm and, with her support and guidance, I now see that it's in the small wins, in the small decisions that we change ourselves and our lives.

Jeanine spotted the limiting beliefs that I've been so deeply entrenched in and unwittingly living my life from. She's taught me practical methods to challenge my thoughts and unhealthy choices, and build more useful habits slowly and manageably into my routine. She has a talent for making new habits/choices/perspectives feel achievable, which, after many years of skilled defeatism, is a breath of fresh air! She's a professional "what if" seed sower!

Every time Jeanine called me out on my BS, it was so loving and sincere, we always laughed together when the finally penny dropped - you can tell she genuinely does care deeply, is passionate about your growth, and has an impressive capacity for compassion.

Jeanine brought consciousness to my life and made me feel empowered that I can take the reins and repair the neglected damaging relationship that I've had with myself. She taught me to invest time, energy, and care into myself, for which I'd previously felt guilty, and taught me not only the importance of setting boundaries but also that I'm entitled to them.

Some of Jeanine's strategies and concepts I'd fleetingly come across before theoretically but it's with her nurturing patience that I actually grasped them and could make them my own.

Still a work in progress (aren't we all) but I for sure feel like I discovered a cheat button having undergone this journey with Jeanine and I'm hopeful for the future and how I assimilate all that I've learned.

For anyone longing for something more, if you have the opportunity to work with this wonderful human being - grab it! Future you really will reap the rewards.

L., UK


Meeting Jeanine was one of the best things that could have happened to me and my business. From the moment I knew she was a coach I knew I needed to work with her.

She has helped gain so much clarity in so many areas in my life and helped me through one of the most challenging launches of my business (without her, there’s no way I could have done it or I would have come through in one piece, and I’m SO grateful!).

Her mannerism, professionalism, warmth, care, love, presence and support radiates when you’re working with her! I feel incredibly loved and supported knowing that I have an absolutely incredible human that I can count on, call on and learn from.

If you’re thinking about working with Jeanine, don’t even give it a second thought: just do it! You won’t be sorry. Thank you so much my love!

Angelique Panagos
nutritional therapist & AUTHOR


I’ve been diligently building my sound empire for a decade. And I built it the masculine go-go-go way, because I didn’t know any other way.

And that means a constant stream of critical thinking, cerebral decisions and non-stop doing till I had forgotten how to just... be.

Along came Jeanine, with her luscious locks and sunshine smile, she showed me a better way to do business; a masterful blend of the masculine and feminine - firm but fabulous.

Jeanine rapidly helped me create the scaffolding to support my infinite flow of sky high ideas and miraculously managed to get it all out of my head and into a workable system. Life changing!

Now I have a much healthier relationship with time and there’s more space and energy for my creative expression. My business is more streamlined and successful than ever before.

sound artist and teacher

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Working in Advertising, I struggled to find time for my YA Fiction Set. I was drawn to working with Jeanine because she understood the demands of advertising, and shared a love for writing. After we connected, her intuitive approach to coaching resonated with me. Her style is not ‘one-size-fits-all’, but instead, a deeply personal learning experience. 

Jeanine helped me to set new habits and helped me create a strategy to go from overwhelm (I had all the ideas of what I wanted to create in my brain) to a clear plan by breaking down my goal into smaller steps. Jeanine also shared a range of practical resources to support me through the process. 

I found working together very eye-opening. What seemed like challenges on the surface, such as ‘no time’, were actually rooted much deeper. By doing soulful work, we were able to do some truly transformational healing. Over time, I had the confidence to set boundaries both at work and in my personal relationships, without feeling guilty. This resulted in me reclaiming time and energy. 

Jeanine’s style of coaching empowers you to understand and overcome limiting beliefs. By the end of the coaching, Jeanine had helped me craft a personal toolkit that is as unique as I am, and I feel confident using it to address challenges across every aspect of my life.

Creative Art Director and Aspiring Author

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Before working with Jeanine I felt disconnected, overwhelmed, unable to lead from my heart or speak my own truth. I had been searching for guidance and as I met Jeanine I knew I was in the right hands. As a young professional leading fashion businesses towards sustainability, I doubted myself constantly. I felt stressed, and with no time to do either my job well or nurture my soul.

Jeanine helped me remove the blocks and limitations that I was creating for myself. She held space for me to see beyond my fears and doubts, and rise above all the unnecessary mind chatter. With the tools offered by Jeanine, I managed to create a new way of living, where I feel confident and I have clarity. This shift resulted in being promoted professionally as well as finding more joy, time, and freedom in my personal life.

Jeanine has a very unique approach - she's highly intuitive and instantly knew what was happening within me, what I needed to hear, and what I needed to do. She gently but assertively asked me to take responsibility, show up and create a new reality with easy-to-implement practices in my daily routine. Every time we connected, I felt electric and ready to overcome any challenge. She saw what I didn't, and allowed me to step into my wholeness.

Jeanine not only helped me in my career but helped me reconnect with myself, my purpose, and convey that with grace.

Working with Jeanine will be the best investment you will make!

Jeanine, thank you for all the beautiful gifts you brought in my life. I'm forever grateful.

Veronica Pravato
Senior Sustainability Manager & Sustainability Consultant


Jeanine is an angel that descended at the perfect time to support me through a very difficult time, while I was navigating the closure of my former restaurant during the COVID pandemic. 

As I write this I’m super emotional because SO much transformation happened since we started working together, my life is forever changed. She helped me open my eyes to see what a gift life is.

Her sweet and loving approach had a great impact on how I want show up in the world. Working in a male-dominated culinary industry, I used to think I had to be tough, productive ALL the time and burn myself out working, but now I’ve discovered another way of working and being: one that feels nourishing and sustainable. I also claimed back the part of me that is soft, feminine and loving. 

She opened my mind and showed me that the world is full of opportunities, that everything is possible. I used to think that because I’m a Chef my work could only be in restaurants, but actually now I see myself as a consultant, a visionary and a paradigm changer.

Jeanine was always available, holding space, giving me infinite resources to help me with this lifelong journey. Now I am excited about life, I have endless projects that I want to do, and I also have many powerful tools that help me enjoy life and ground whenever it gets challenging.

I cannot be more grateful to have found each other, and I know I’ll work with her again. This is one of the best investments I’ve made in my life. 



Before working with Jeanine, I was desperately struggling with overwhelm, was keen to start my business but didn’t know how to take the first step. I didn’t feel worthy to take up space and I didn’t believe in the services I had to offer.

Jeanine helped me to take active steps in building an easy onboarding system to give my clients clarity and save me time. Organising everything to be simple and easy to use. I now feel confident in who I am, what I have to offer and the clients I’m attracting.

The main reason I loved working with Jeanine is she was so supportive every single step of the way, helping me discover and connect to my feminine essence and to teach me there is beauty in every situation… even those that I felt most resistance to. She covers such a range of styles and tools from spirituality, sound, embodiment practices, menstrual cycles and even human design. Jeanine has helped me finally take the leap into my business, but most significantly into myself to start living the life of my dream. Remembering to feel every moment and emotion. I am so glad I said YES to our journey together, I am forever grateful xx

Heart-led photographer & ayurvedic practitioner


I have a health food shop and a healing holistic centre and when I came to Jeanine it was with a view to her helping me to sell my business and move forward with my life. Although my business was very successful and I felt very fulfilled, I felt it was time to move away and focus on other projects. At the time I was having difficulty letting go of such an amazing business that I built up from scratch over 15 years ago and had been very much a labour of love.

I really didn’t know what to expect when I committed myself to the 6 month coaching programme with Jeanine. All I know was that I loved her energy and I trusted that whatever needed to be addressed would present itself to me in the sessions.

From the beginning Jeanine was superb at holding the space for me and I felt so safe and held in her energy. She helped me to trust the process and we explored anything and everything that came up for me, which was nothing to do with my business and everything to do with me.

I have learnt so much about myself during the last 6 months and I feel so much more equipt now to move forward in my life with so much more confidence and ease and more importantly I had sold my business by the end of the 6 months programme!

What I love about Jeanine is that she works very intuitively and is able to tune into what is happening and what needs to change and she is amazing at holding the space to allow change to take place. She is an exceptional person to work with and I felt so honoured to be coached by her.


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I had a coaching session with Jeanine and for me it was the best coaching 1:1 session I have ever had. Her energy and positivity completely shone through the whole session and she made me feel like I could do anything. Jeanine is a very experienced coach and not only helps build your confidence but helps you see life clearly and with clarity. I felt uplifted, more confident and energised after working with her. I would high recommend working Jeanine to improve your life and your business! Thank you J! X

Emily Syphas
Sobriety + Self Love Mentor


When I started working with Jeanine I was in a place of confusion as I had multiple areas I enjoyed working in and felt pulled as to where my focus should go. I was also not prioritising time for myself effectively.

Working with Jeanine allowed me supportive space to talk through my feelings, identify areas that I could develop and give me the encouragement to make things happen. As a result of this, my self-care practices are an integral part of my day to day and I no longer feel bad about prioritising my needs. I have found that time now has more quality whether that is being present as a parent or in my work.

Jeanine is a coach with such a soft and loving approach allowing you to be honest without fear of judgement. Her wisdom and spiritual connections open up a new way of thinking and I always appreciated the fact that as a parent, I had a coach who understood and was flexible around my needs.

Bryony Moore
Wellbeing and Mental Health Coach in Education


Jeanine came to my life at the time I needed her the most.

Jeanine made me feel deeply validated and supported. She held my hand through out the whole process as we explored my fears, joys and the changes that unfolded during our work together.

I was recently diagnosed with Lyme disease, which has been affecting my life for the past 15 years. Having a chronic illness can make you close your eyes and focus in pain, but thanks to her I got to redefine ilness and learn to view it from a different perspective. Not only was I able to shift my view of the disease, but I also got to do it in my personal relationships, dreams, goals, etc.

It was a massive shift undergoing a journey into my own body, mind and emotions, changing the narratives I had created for myself. At times, letting go of old patterns was scary, but I can see how being courageous opened up a life that feels rewarding and fulfilling.

Thank you Jeanine for reminding me how amazing life is, especially when we are willing to be present and pay attention to it.

Fernanda Huerta

Teacher’s Assistant Kindergarten, Mexico City


Trabajar con Jeanine es sumamente transformador, emotivo, emocionante y de verdad súper mágico y amoroso.

Cada sesión es un viaje a redescubrir y reconectar con lo más profundo de tu ser, reconocer el lenguaje de cuerpo, y realmente escuchar todo lo que tiene que decir.

Siento que el cambio más profundo fue realmente tomar responsabilidad de mi vida, con honestidad radical conmigo misma y saliendo de la mente para darle todo el espacio al cuerpo y al corazón.

Eso ha tenido un impacto muy grande en mis relaciones (empezando con la relación conmigo misma) y por supuesto con todas las demás, siento que me relaciono desde un lugar más real.

Jeanine te guía, te acompaña y te sostiene durante todo el viaje desde un lugar de completa calma, suavidad, permiso y expansión que te muestran que todo eso es posible para ti también… y de pronto te encuentras dando saltos cuánticos con mucha facilidad y confianza en el proceso, en ti, en la vida.

El programa con Jeanine es una invitación a decirle sí a todo eso que verdaderamente anhelas, a soltar todo lo que ya no suma, no contribuye y a crear desde el amor y desde tu luz todo lo que sí está alineado contigo, con tu ser.

Gracias Jeanine por un viaje de vuelta a casa tan mágico, gracias por acompañarme en todas las subidas y bajadas (porque si es retador), gracias por ayudarme a ver mi luz, gracias por compartirte siempre desde el amor. Te admiro profundamente.

Tatiana Johannsen
Yoga, meditación y sesiones de barras


Recuerdo la primera vez que vi a Jeanine en su cuenta de Instagram, a través de sus fotografías me transmitió mucha luz, alegría y amor. Estaba segura que quería trabajar con ella, aunque realmente no sabía que era tener un coach.

Me describo como una persona sensible que le gusta ayudar a los demás. Tengo la gran fortuna de ser mamá de dos hermosas niñas. Mi profesión es Arquitectura del Paisaje y ejerzo como directora de la primera revista impresa de Arquitectura del Paisaje en México.

Cuando contacté a Jeanine me encontraba en una etapa de mi vida de mucha confusión, inestabilidad, frustración, duelo, con baja autoestima y con ansiedad.

Apenas se prendía la cámara me sentía en un lugar de confianza y con mucho amor. Junto con Jeanine visité muchos recuerdos de mi infancia, siempre me sentí segura de ir con ella a esos momentos dolorosos de mi vida.

Cada semana me hacía una invitación a explorar algún aspecto de mi persona y era fascinante; empecé a aprender de mí, me enseñó a soltar cosas que no podía controlar, a meditar, a estar presente, a vivir en gratitud, a escuchar, usar mi voz y, poco a poco empecé a regresar a mí y lo más importante es que empecé a vivir en el presente y a apreciar las pequeñas cosas de la vida, me empecé a valorar.

Para mí Jeanine es amor, luz, esperanza; le agradezco enormemente todo lo que me enseñó. Su voz, sus consejos y todas las herramientas que me brindó estarán conmigo el resto de mi vida y también estarán en la vida de mis hijas.

Gracias Jeanine por todo lo que nos has ayudado.

ArquitectA del Paisaje & directora de la primera revista impresa de Arquitectura del Paisaje en México


“Quería agradecerte por esta tremenda oportunidad, es un regalo maravilloso y me encantaría poder regalárselo a la gente que amo porque es life changing.”

“I wanted to thank you for this incredible opportunity, it’s an amazing gift. I wish I could gift this experience to everyone I love, because it’s life changing



“En verdad estoy con el corazón súper expandido y agradeciendo profundamente ese contenedor tan mágico, tan ligero, tan transformador, tan amoroso y lleno de luz, de permiso, de curiosidad... tan tuyo! Tan nuestro!

Gracias, gracias, gracias.

Tienes una energía divina que sostiene de una forma taaaan profunda y a la vez suave que por eso se pueden hacer esos saltos cuánticos. Gracias por compartir tu magia y tu medicina conmigo. Gracias por acompañarme de regreso a casa. Gracias por ser tú. Te quiero, te admiro y te honro con todo mi ser.”

T, México


Tener la oportunidad de trabajar con Jeanine es un verdadero regalo. Su presencia, escucha y contención fueron un bálsamo para mi corazón.

Tener esa hora semanal fue una práctica que me servirá para toda mi vida. Hacer una pausa para chequear como estoy, conectarme con mis sentimientos, pensamientos, preocupaciones, con mi cuerpo, y darme el permiso para sentir lo que sea que estoy sintiendo, sin juicios, sin etiquetas, solo estando en el presente, es algo que después de haber terminado el trabajo con Jeanine, sigo y seguiré haciendo siempre.

Soy una privilegiada de haber podido recorrer mi camino de la mano de Jeanine, realmente se siente su cercanía y apoyo constante, lo que hace que todo el trabajo en mi misma fuera más liviano y amoroso.

Gracias Jeanine por la entrega y amor que das en cada sesión, cada mensaje de voz, cada detalle de tu trabajo. Eres un ejemplo de mujer, apasionada por lo que haces y por ver el crecimiento y bienestar de los demás. Tu autenticidad, transparencia y generosidad son valores que veo en ti y que intento cultivar en mí cada día.

Josefa, Chile


I just spent the last 15 minutes journalling everything Jeanine and I discussed in our coaching session because I didn’t want to forget a thing. 

It was so amazing to have a session with her. To be totally honest, I just didn’t know how if she would be able to get anything from me because I just felt so “stuck” and with nowhere to go. How wrong could I have been. From the moment Jeanine asked me what would happen if I let my heart lead, I felt like this amazing light inside me lit up and started to burst out of my chest. Completely overwhelmed with tears that were coming, it suddenly felt like someone had switched the lights on and I could see again. I have honestly been living in my head for so long that I had forgotten what feeling powerful stuff felt like.

I feel like I’m free again. 

Jeanine, thank you so so much for your time and energy. I really enjoyed connecting with you. You have a very strong and beautiful gift.

C-A W. , UK

I am loving all the beautiful extras you provide that help me feel supported, the links, voice notes and resources - they make this feel like a true journey that I'm on every day, not just in the sessions.

Read more testimonials here:

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