Being in the Void


Well, my friends, the full moon got me GOOD. 🌝🌚

I’m currently writing to you from my very own, delightful void.

Where I’ve been confronted with the fact that, right now, I’m drifting in “no man’s land”.

A month ago I left behind pretty much everything that was my life in the UK… a “secure” job, a home, a relationship… It all dissolved in a couple of weeks. Just like that. Light’s out!

So I’ve been sitting here in my lil boat, floating about between the waves of excitement and sheer terror at the idea that I have no life to go back to. It’s all gone. Adios 👋🏼

And when I think about the future all I get is an image of… wait for it… NO-THING.

I’m pretty much in the dark.

For a while my mind REALLY tried to figure out what’s next. It REFUSED to be this uncomfortable space.

It wanted to create a vision board on Pinterest, make lists, have sessions with astrologers and psychics — until it became obvious that “searching for answers” was not only digging me deeper into darkness, but also getting in the way of actually being open and present to receive answers.

Patience has never been my forte, however I seem to have gotten a strongly written letter by the universe stating that this is my lesson for now.

To BE in the unknown.

To give up trying to control anything, and instead soften into here and now.

After all, truths cannot be rushed, inspiration cannot be forced, and magic unfolds in its own sweet time. 💫

I often use this story with my clients: You’re driving at night with your headlights on, and you can only see so much in the distance. You know you’re heading towards your destination so you don’t need to see the entire path to know you’ll get there. Along the way, you see only as much as you need to keep moving forwards. And you trust that the path is unfolding right before you... taking you exactly where you need to go.

Love you.


Jeanine Gasser