


Sounds easy right?

And yet, SO many of us struggle saying: YES, thank you.

We create vision boards and light candles in moon ceremonies asking for abundance, opportunities, support - and yet when it shows up in our lives via people (friends, strangers, family) we say… NO.

I often ask my clients: How would the universe provide what you yearn for if not through others?

I get it.

Receiving can feel vulnerable.

Hence why many of us would rather be the givers. Giving feels more in control. We set the rules of how much we give. And to whom. We even try to control how others see us (how generous! how kind!).

…receiving is different.

It requires a certain humility and recognition of the fact that, as humans, we can’t do it all on our own.

Which, if your identity is based on how independent, resourceful and strong you are, can be quite challenging to the ego.

“Do we owe someone when we receive?” Short answer, no.

Saying yes while trusting that when people offer something, they’re doing so from a genuine place is a beautiful thing. And if it turns out they’re not, that’s their responsibility.

You can receive, AND be free. You don’t owe anyone anything for saying yes. Giving and receiving are part of the same energy flow.

You breath in (receive), you breathe out (give). You cannot have one without the other.

If we only give - we’ll be depleted, and resentful.

If we only receive we will have an excess of energy that usually causes stagnation and dissatisfaction.

PLUS by receiving we GIVE the other person an opportunity to be of service.

Giving has been linked to the release of oxytocin, a hormone (also released during sex and breast feeding) that induces feelings of warmth, euphoria, and connection to others.

So don’t take other people’s oxytocin hit.

Say YES, thank you.

Jeanine Gasser