Overthinkers, this is for you


My fellow overthinkers, I have something for you!⁣ 🌀

Next time you find yourself in a soul-sucking spiral of overthinking, I invite you to try this:⁣

- Without judgment, observe with curiosity what sensations are alive in your body : how are you breathing? how does your chest feel? what is happening in your nervous system?⁣

- Take a couple of deeeeeep slow belly breaths (you can place your hands in your heart and/or belly if that feels loving to you)⁣

- Relax your face, jaw, and shoulders⁣

- Feel your feet in the floor, imagine you have strong roots in the soles of your feet grounding you to the Earth⁣

- Hum while you shake, stretch or sway your body - connect to the weight of your body and feel gravity holding you⁣

- Connect to your senses: what can you see, smell, taste, hear, & feel in your skin?⁣

- Ask yourself: is there a problem right here and right now that urgently needs solving?⁣

If you’re used to overthinking, it will take some practice to break that pattern. Be very loving with yourself and remember to keep choosing to come back to yourself again and again as many times as you need to (it gets easier the more you practice).⁣ ♥️

You’ve got this my love x⁣

Jeanine Gasser