What do you really want?


Would you like to have more money? more success? a nicer home? “better” holidays? a different job? 

My question to you is: what do you think those things will give you that you don’t have now?

We often yearn not for the thing itself, but rather for how we believe it will make us feel: safe, connected, loved, worthy…

I invite you to get clear on what the desire underneath the desire is, get as close to the deeper core truth as you can.

And, if it resonates, I invite you to claim that desire, explore it and practice it, in here & now, to the best of your abilities.

What if we didn’t need to wait to have X, Y or Z to feel that which we long for?

Btw this doesn’t mean we stop taking action to get closer to those “external” dreams, it means we do so while *also* embodying those qualities from the inside-out. 

Do you know what you’re really yearning for? 

Jeanine Gasser