The power of embodiment


An essential part of my work with clients is guiding them back to their bodies.

It is through understanding our nervous systems, "emotional" physical sensations, old painful imprints, physical patterns and blueprints, moon cycles, senses, etc., that we can claim our sovereignty and autonomy.

Our bodies contain profound wisdom and are powerful truth-telling oracles, providing information that our rational brain can sometimes miss.

And yet, it's not until we've made the time to learn the unique language of our own body that we can truly understand what it's communicating and use those insights as guidance.

Until then, we're likely to be disconnected from our bodies and thus trapped in an endless chain of reactivity (without any awareness or choice).

The better we know our bodies, the more freedom we have. This is self-mastery.

The practice of staying grounded in the body and nurturing an intimate relationship with all it gives rise to is a daily meditation, one that is so worth being devoted to.

I am forever a humble student and admirer of our magnificent bodies.

I'd love to know, how well do you feel you know your body's language? x


Jeanine Gasser