How to become your own cheerleader


While it’s one of the biggest gifts in life to have a supportive coach/bestie/so/family member to remind you of the beautiful, resilient and capable being that you are, the truth is others won’t *always* be there when we need a cuddle/shoulder/word of encouragement. 

The good news is, however, that YOU could *always* be there when you need it. 

It is oh so powerful to learn how to lovingly hold yourself and meet your own needs, to become the person that has your own back no matter what. After all, nobody knows you better than you know yourself.

Here are some ways in which you can start practising being your own cheerleader:

  1. Speak to yourself with love, kindness and compassion

  2. Celebrate courage, showing up and taking action - no matter the outcome

  3. Acknowledge wins, learn from mistakes and repair when needed

  4. Remind yourself of your resilience: you’ve done hard things before and you can do them again

  5. Don’t believe everything you think: call out the BS, excuses and limiting stories that hold you back

  6. Hold yourself accountable

  7. Ask for help when you need it

  8. Support your body: hydrate, nourish, get to know your moon cycle and move regularly

  9. Give yourself space to rest and permission to deeply replenish  

  10. Make choices that get you closer to love, truth and freedom

  11. Choose laugher, fun and to create delicious moments

  12. Remind yourself of your strength, worth and power

Jeanine Gasser