Something is missing


Something is missing.


"The" partner.

The house.

The family.

The car.

The job.



More money.

A better partner.

A bigger house.

The perfect family.

A nicer car.

More travel.

International recognition.

And so on and so forth until eternity… if we don’t catch ourselves.

Our mind tells us “once I have *that* I will be happy”.

And yet, let me ask you something: have you gotten that thing that you thought was gonna make you happy only to realise now something ELSE is missing?

When we have a mindset of lack - we will experience that mindset no matter what the conditions around us are. For most of us, lack lives in the mind, not in the external world (*I’m not talking about those very real circumstances where basic needs are not met*).

The truth is, the ego is a hungry creature that will never be satisfied. It will fight life. It will resist what is. It will want something different to what reality is offering. It will convince us that we could be better, richer, happier, etc. It will *always* find something else to crave.

How much of our life and time is spent thinking about what we don’t have? Throwing inner tantrums like a child that didn’t get the toy they wanted for Christmas?

Because when we’re looking through the lens of lack, that’s all we will see. Being in the space of lack completely cuts us off from presence and the abundance of the moment. We contract our own energy and shut down the richness that already surrounds us… lack becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

What if what we’re actually missing is not more stuff, more money or the perfect partner - but our Self.

We long to remember our wholeness, to come back to presence and gratitude, to re-connect to our hearts and to life. We’re missing home, but we mistake it for missing something else.

Happiness, joy, connection and peace will not come from Maya. No matter how hard we try to fill that gap.

If you feel something missing, my love, have good look and make sure it’s not your own presence and awareness.

I’m thrilled to announce I have a couple of spots available for 1:1 coaching. If you’re ready to be held and guided back to yourself send me a DM. I only work with a very small number of people so if your heart is saying YES let’s chat love xx


I’m thrilled to announce I have a couple of spots available for 1:1 coaching. If you’re ready to be held and guided back to yourself send me a DM. I only work with a very small number of people so if your heart is saying YES let’s chat love

Jeanine Gasser