On Finding Your Purpose


Not long ago, I received an email from someone asking for advice on how to find her purpose.

I wanted to share my reply in the hopes that, if this is also on your mind, you might find it useful.

Dearest purpose-seeker,

I absolutely relate to the frustration that results from trying to find one’s purpose, as I’ve spent the better part of my life desperately trying to find “it”.

And “it” feels so big. So heavy. So important...
I mean, it’s your LIFE’S PURPOSE after all.

Rumor has it that even if you fail at everything else (relationships, bad grades, baking brownies), this is the ONE thing you should most definitely get right.

Or else... *cue urban legends of haunted lost souls that never found their purpose*

And yet, I invite you to consider this wild idea: what if your purpose is to simply BE and live?

Ta daaaaa.

No grandiose, paradigm-changing mission. 
No ground-breaking magical insight you get at a remote yoga retreat in India.

Just straight-forward, down-to-Earth, good ol’ humble living.

What if your purpose is
- to show up fully for whatever is unfolding right now.
- to be curious and get to know yourself (as if your life depended on it, cos it totally does).
- to learn to be present (yes, yes. I know you’ve heard this a gazillion times).
- to love (even when it’s hard… actually, ESPECIALLY when it’s hard).
- to vibe to your highest, kindest, most loving potential as often as possible.

We think purpose and passion is something we find. Somewhere. Somehow.
I think purpose and passion is something we bring from within.

And yes, what I’m hinting is that we don’t actually have to go on a treasure hunt around the globe desperately trying to find our callin’ (don’t get me wrong, I still keep my suitcase ready in case any traveling opportunity unexpectedly arises yet I’m not traveling to compulsively find anything).

So I want to ask you—
What if you’re in the exact place, right now as you’re reading these words, to find your purpose? What if you’re already living “it”?

I love you.
J x

Jeanine Gasser