Solstice Prayer


A big part of my work is helping bring light to what has been kept in the shadows for most of our lives.⁣

It's not until we're willing to see the truth straight in the face that we can be truly free. As Jung said, "until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”⁣

Today, the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere, my prayer is that we may all have the courage to meet the fullness of who we are, so that no part of us is left untouched by the light of our presence and love.⁣

If we’re lucky, ⁣
there comes a time ⁣

when we realise nobody’s coming to save us,⁣
when we get sick and tired of our own suffering,⁣
when we start feeling there must be more to life than this,⁣
when we stop attempting to control the world and instead we turn inwards,⁣
when we gather enough courage to take responsibility for ourselves,⁣
when we bravely decide to do whatever it takes to come back to life,⁣
when we understand the only person that can “save” us, is ourselves.⁣

A moment of grace.⁣
An awakening. ⁣
A heart’s turning.⁣
A remembrance.⁣

The beginning of the journey back home.⁣

✨I have just 2 spaces left for my 1:1 coaching container.✨

This is my most intimate offering and where the largest amount of my time and energy are available, therefore, I’m highly intentional about who enters these containers and only take on a very small number of clients at a time. ⁣

If you’re ready to meet yourself, to get up close and personal with who you really are, then this experience is for you.⁣

This offering is an invitation for you to re-connect to your sacred inner world, your joy, yearning, truth, freedom and wholeness.⁣

Hand in hand we’ll descent together. ⁣

The mystery of You awaits.⁣

If your heart is saying YES right now, click the button below.⁣

It would be an honour to be a part of your journey home.⁣

Solstice blessings my loves 🌞

Jeanine Gasser