Kissing 2023 goodbye


2023 was a BIG one✨⁣

I spent the year traveling on my own & working from 3 different continents (I still can’t believe I spent 3 months exploring Japan! 🥹)⁣⁣


I coached more amazing clients (from all over the world) than I ever have since I started my coaching business. ⁣⁣


I became British, after living in the UK for 9 years (having moved there alone without a plan its been an intense, amazing and wild ride).⁣


2023 was my year of no planing. I danced in the mystery for the entire year (often I has no idea where I would be or sleep the following week 😅).⁣⁣


I could’ve never imagined it would all turned out the way it did. ⁣⁣


In many ways it felt like the graduation of the quiet, yet constant, resilience it took to get to this place in life and within myself. ⁣

It tasted like the sweet fruit of my life-long unshakable commitment to love/truth/learning/being (ie. all the tender seeds planted through decades of healing, studying, practicing, meditating, attending silent retreats, training around the 🌎, braving plant medicine ceremonies, investing in holistic support, getting back up again and again, etc). ⁣⁣


I feel more at home in myself than I ever have. ⁣⁣


I am beyond grateful to everything and everyone that supported me along the way.⁣⁣


I am in awe of what is possible when we choose a path of self-discovery and we dare follow our hearts into the unknown. ⁣⁣


Ofc it’s not always easy (the past few years have been beyond HARD) but I believe getting to know who we truly are, learning how to live and remembering our wholeness is what we are here for.⁣⁣


Here’s to a 2024 where we have the courage to create a life that feels vibrant, rich, full, inspiring, purposeful and nourishing to our souls.⁣ How lucky we are to have one another through this adventure.⁣



Wishing you a soft, loving and magical chapter ahead. ILYSM ♥️

Jeanine Gasser