if you feel lost & don't know what to do...


Let me just come out and say I have yet to formulate any resolutions for 2024. 

Why? Because it hasn’t felt natural, and I refused to be bullied into spitting artificial clichés to satisfy self-proclaimed manifestation gurus.

If your IG algorithm is anything like mine, maybe you have been reminded that the middle of winter is hardly the most auspicious moment to plant seeds in the frozen ground. 

Despite currently being in a 30-degree Yucatecan “winter” it still hasn’t felt quite right to claim any big or small intentions for the unfurling year ahead.

2023 was a year that mapped itself out, with little input of mine. (If you follow me on social media, you might already know that last was my year of no planning. I danced in the mystery for the entire year - often with no idea of where I would be or sleep the following week 😅).

Since 2023 was the best year of my life so far, perhaps it is no surprise I might be reluctant to have the arrogance to prescribe something into the unknown I have experienced to be miraculous. 

The biggest lesson that emerged from last year was not only learning to befriend but actually fall in love with not knowing. 



In defence of not knowing

Perhaps you don’t know what your dream case scenario is, or which step you want to take next, or who you really are.

Resist the urge to desperately settle for just any answer, no matter how foreign to your own heart it might be, instead of patiently standing in the liquid unknown. 

Embodying a question mark is nothing shameful to be concealed and fixed. It is the choice of integrity, of someone not willing to lie to themselves.

There is no reward or thirst to be quenched by rushing from the curve of an open ended question into the illusion of a certain full stop. 

Did you forget a question mark is also a key to all possibilities? While an answer allows a certain type of landing, a question takes flight into yet undiscovered landscapes. 

Asking questions isn't a lazy, passive, or reluctant defeat; rather, it is a courageous, active and committed conversation with life.

Have you not heard that uttering "I don't know, I don't know, I don't know" is also a victory chant? A gateway to enlightenment?

Embrace and be embraced by the mystery of not knowing. Just as you become aware of it, it will become aware of you. Through this mutual recognition, it will take you by the hand and guide you in the direction of truth.

If you want the unknown as a faithful ally, learn to ask better questions. 

The quality of an answer is be determined by that of the inquiry, for any question holds in its essence the echo of its answer. 

At the end of a sincere question, a whole kingdom of wisdom and riches can be revealed.

We are so quick to try to grasp unto certainty that we forget that magic’s home resides in the unknown. 

When nothing is certain, everything is possible.

​If you are currently in the belly of the unknown, my dear one, soften. You don't need to be anywhere else but exactly where you are.

Allow yourself to gracefully inhabit the question, and be sure to stay present enough to listen to the answer when the time comes for it to reveal itself. 

Jeanine Gasser