Your Holly Longing


I was born with a deep longing heart. ⁣

A full body yearning. ⁣

An intense ache that has been my constant companion for the (almost!) 3 decades of my life. ⁣

There was a time in which I saw it as a weakness. ⁣

As a sign that I wasn’t meditating enough or embodying my wholeness enough. ⁣

“Am I being needy?”, “Why do I feel like I need something else to complete me… I should be 100% fine on my own!”⁣

I tried numbing it. Ignoring it. Spiritualising it. Filling it with temporary quick fixes.⁣

Needless to say, none of them worked.⁣

It wasn’t until I gave up and fell to my knees in surrender that I gave my yearning full permission and space to be felt.⁣

I allowed myself to sink into it. To fully relax into the void, the gaping black hole that lived in my chest.⁣

It felt so big, so vast that I felt myself be consumed by it.⁣

I danced with it. Moved with it. Cried with it.⁣

And that’s when a softening occurred. When I allowed myself to be cracked open by my yearning.⁣

I consciously owned and embodied that longing without grasping. Without neediness. ⁣

I was tasting the raw flavour of longing. I wasn’t trying to fill it. I wasn’t trying to control it. I was simply dissolving into it. ⁣

I experienced how my longing was actually an invitation, a magnetic gateway for that which I yearned for. ⁣

By opening into it, I created space to receive and be filled by what I longed for: love, life, the divine, a lover. ⁣

Longing is not a passive state. It’s a powerful force. It’s a reckoning.⁣

Paradoxically, when we step into the emptiness with awareness, there is wholeness in this space.⁣

This is the teaching of our holly longing:⁣

It invites us to bow down into the heart that wants to be reunited with the whole. ⁣

It reminds us of the illusion of separation. ⁣

It reminds us of the union we have already experienced. ⁣

The oneness from which we originate from and towards which we are heading. ⁣

The union that is always waiting for us.

Calling us home.

Jeanine Gasser