Summer: a confession


Since we're good friends, allow me to make a confession: I'm not a summer person.⁣⁣
My pitta dosha (Ayurveda) and fiery Saggy spirit find it rather overwhelming: too much heat, light and pressure to have fun! travel! be outdoors! make the most out of every sunny moment (or stay indoors feeling guilty, unsettled and haunted by FOMO)!⁣⁣
Also I might have a mild PTSD from growing up in 45 degrees summers in Mexico.⁣⁣

Regardless, I am already starting to feel myself relaxing into the fresher air, welcoming crisp mornings and fishing for my favourite warm jumpers from the back of my wardrobe. ⁣⁣
Having said that, I know in the darkest moments of winter I will need a reminder that light is coming and the harsh cold will eventually give way to the warmth of summer. ⁣⁣
Thank you summer 2022. You held so many laughs, tears, delicious food, delayed trains, cancelled flights, sacred transformation, record breaking heatwaves, sweaty dances, moments shared with loved ones, and moments in quiet contemplation. I will remember you. 🕊

Jeanine Gasser