What Can We Offer Life?


New Year’s is often the time we’re all setting goals, making plans, writing down recycled wishes of what we want the universe to give us (bigger flats! sexy partners! more money!) ⁣⁣
…and yet this year I found myself asking what I was willing to give to life, rather than what I wanted to receive from life. ⁣⁣
What did I want my prayer for this new year to be?⁣⁣

What practice was I willing to commit to?⁣⁣

Where did I want to place my devotion this year?⁣⁣

Where could I bring more gratitude for all that life is already providing?⁣⁣

How could I share more? Love more? ⁣⁣

How could I truly meet life and be met by life?⁣⁣
I’ve been finding deep freedom in simplifying, grounding, offering… rather than focusing on getting more of what my mind tells me there’s not enough of 😂.⁣⁣
Regardless of how you begun this 2022, my loves, I hope you had a beautiful beginning to this new chapter. ⁣⁣
I’m infinitely grateful to be connected to you, and to walk into 2022 together.⁣⁣
With all my love,⁣⁣
Jeanine x

Jeanine Gasser