Are you trying to run away from yourself?


Hand up if you’ve moved to another country, swapped jobs, changed relationship hoping that by changing your outer reality you would feel happier, more fulfilled, more successful?⁣ 🙋🏻‍♀️

As you might know, wherever we go… we take our stuff with us.⁣

There’s no escaping or running away. ⁣

Believe me, I’ve tried moving continents (several times) and still couldn’t outrun myself.⁣ 😂

No matter where I went I would recreate pretty much the same dynamics, attract the same type of people… and feel the familiar taste of unhappiness.⁣

At some point, I had to admit that the only thing in common was me.⁣

So rather than keeping our suitcase packed for the next escapade when things get rough, how about we unpack and see what is it we’re taking with us everywhere?⁣

Rather than getting distracted by the film being projected around us, let’s look at the projector creating those images.⁣

This requires radical responsibility… Rather than blaming our partner, parents, boss, friends, life for our unhappiness, it invites us to look straight into our own reflexion. We ARE the author and creator of our story after all, so let’s stop blaming the actors for the sh*t show.⁣

Until we’re willing to do this, we will keep giving away our power: thinking something/someone out there is can make us happy, believing we are a victim to our circumstances and to those that surround us.⁣

And for me, that is waaaay more painful than actually having an honest look at myself.⁣

Especially since with great responsibility, comes great power.⁣

The power to change our life, no less. ⁣

So don’t be afraid of opening the suitcase. ⁣

Have a good sort out. See what sparks joy. Burn that old sweater with the holes. ⁣

Stop paying for that extra baggage my love.⁣

You can stop running now. Put your feet up. Rest.

Jeanine Gasser