How you do anything is how you do everything


“How you do anything is how you do everything.”⁣

I’ve uttered this phrase an infinite number of times to my coaching clients.⁣

And this definitely applies to my travelling philosophy.⁣

In pretty much all relationships and aspects of my life, I treasure quality over quantity. I crave depth and yes I’m intense 😂

Thus, when I have the opportunity to go to travel, I prefer slowly getting to know one place as thoroughly as possible rather than superficially visiting a million places.⁣

My goal is always to stay somewhere long enough to sense the unique rhythm, smells, flowers, flavours, customs, sounds, birds, and languages (verbal and nonverbal) that are part of its DNA & ordinary unfolding.⁣

I yearn to see past the shiny top 10 attractions, to taste both the delights and the difficulties people navigate in their daily lives.⁣ In general, I never feel like I truly know someone/something until I’ve experienced both their «light» and their «shadow».

I also believe one must earn access to this precious information.⁣

For me, it is essential to try to learn all the ways to show respect in a culture. I remember at all times that I am a guest and it is my responsibility to learn with humility. I pay attention. I willingly let myself be swallowed, chewed, and changed as a result.⁣

I allow the place to guide me and vulnerably reveal itself to me at its own pace, which inevitably also leads to my own personal revelations.⁣

I am forever in awe of how much we receive when we openly give ourselves fully to an experience.⁣ It’s truly astounding how much places (and beings) want to tell their story to those willing to listen.

How lucky we are to live on such a wonderful and generous planet. How fortunate we are to get to know even a fraction of the vast richness it contains.

(One, of course, doesn’t need to leave home to have access to countless dimensions and realties to learn from…✨)

Jeanine Gasser