What are you practicing in your life?


We say we want joy, connection, abundance, ease… but what are we actively practicing in our lives?⁣

With our thoughts, our attention, our behaviour, our words (to ourselves and others)? ⁣

Whatever we practice most, we will become an expert at. ⁣

As one of my teacher often says: if you want to become a world-class harp player… then why are you practicing the clarinet every day?⁣ 😂

If we have a dedicated daily practice of feeling bad for ourselves, feeling like a victim, focusing on lack, attempting to control others, focusing on how unworthy we are, complaining about how our partner is not meeting our needs… well, then that is what we will become great at.⁣ 🏆

So, dear one, is it time for you to re-adjust your devotion? To create a new sacred practice that supports your being, your heart and your body?⁣

Have you been putting at your altar your worries, anxieties and fears? Have you been nurturing all those energies while hoping love and wholeness will magically drop into your body and life?⁣

If you crave passion, pleasure, and presence… are you ready to boldly dance with them, open your heart to fully embody them and make them yours?⁣

Dedicate your precious energy to that which your heart longs for, that which you soul aches for, and you will be amazed at how deeply your life will change. ⁣

Tell me, what do you want to become an expert at? 🦋

Jeanine Gasser