Let your grief break you apart


A while ago when I was going through a difficult time of confusion, exhaustion and emotional turmoil (yes coaches go through those too 😂), I reached out to a friend who sent me something she'd been carrying with her everywhere through her own heartbreak. I wanted to share it with you, in case you also needed a bit of healing heart-balm right now.

”I want you to go to the very bottom of your pain, my love. Let your grief break you apart. (Know that it can only break your illusions and shatter your expectations, it cannot break You.) Pour yourself into your own broken heart. Breathe into your most terrifying loneliness. You’ll be haunted in the future by everything that you do not touch now.

Do not fear. I am here. I breathe you when you cannot breathe yourself. I give you the will to go on when you cannot find the will. I help you to bear the unbearable, digest the indigestible. I am at the very pit of your pain, present in the abyss of your despair. I am your unbreakable spirit, your timeless Self.

If you fear your own disappearance, then disappear! If the ground opens up to swallow you, if the void pulls you in, fall willingly! Surrender, or give up surrendering and just fall. I will catch you, or you will be caught by your own deepest wisdom.

Either way, your pain will not kill you, it will only remove all that is disgusting and false. You will emerge shaken, yes, vulnerable, yes, but new, and wiser, and more real. Know that I am here with you... until the end of time.

- Jeff Foster

I love you. You’re not alone. This too shall pass.

Promise ♥️

Jeanine Gasser