

Decisions. Decisions.⁣⁣
Making decisions used to be one of my worst nightmares. ⁣⁣
I would spend sooo much time and brain power thinking about big decisions (shall I move to a new continent?) and small decisions (do I want the salmon teriyaki or the ramen bowl?).⁣⁣
Thinking. Worrying. ⁣

Going round in circles trying to predict the outcome. ⁣🌀

Picking one option and immediately changing my mind. ⁣

Calling my brother and trying to trick him into making a decision for me (#sorrynotsorry). ⁣

Ordering something and then running after the waiter because I had changed my mind.⁣⁣
Truth is: I used to think there was a “right” choice and a “wrong” choice. ⁣⁣
A part of me believed that if I thought long and hard enough about something I would be able to control the unfolding of my decision (bless past me 🥲).⁣⁣
Being a perfectionist, I did NOT want to get decisions wrong… which inevitably led me to spend a LOT of time in a state of limbo /indecision aka the worst place.⁣⁣
With time I’ve come to realise that there’s no such thing as a right or wrong choice. ⁣⁣
There are just experiences.⁣⁣
And no matter what, they give us information about who we are, what we like and don’t like. ⁣⁣
We can choose to learn from ALL of them and so choose to transform them into great decisions… no matter how they turn out. ⁣⁣
Plus, the better we get at making decisions, the easier life gets. ⁣⁣
Rather than being stuck in an endless loop of indecision (usually fulled by fear), by deciding to say YES/NO we keep the flow going. ⁣⁣
It’s safe to make decisions, my love. You can always change your mind, and re-calibrate. Very few decisions are final and irrevocable. ⁣⁣
Try to not make them bigger than they are. Remember they’re only as overwhelming or as simple as we make them.⁣⁣
PRO tip: Don’t rely only on my mind to make a decision. Tap into your heart and your body. ⁣⁣
Sometimes asking yourself: “what feels most loving and nourishing?” Can also help with clarity.⁣⁣
Go have fun making some decisions!

Jeanine Gasser