Finding Clarity


Clarity doesn’t come from going round and round in circles in your mind.

It doesn’t come from overthinking. 

It doesn’t come from asking your mum, dad, brother, partner, friend, colleague, pet, and neighbour for their opinion. 

Clarity can’t be forced. Or grasped. Or pushed.

In fact, when the mind tries to do any of the above, it tends to create the opposite effect: Frustration. Confusion. Anger.

Clarity needs space for it to reveal itself.

It needs for the body and heart to be a part of the conversation.  

Sometimes the most loving and aligned thing can be to do nothing. 

To relax into the not knowing. To just be IN the lack of clarity and not fight it. Trusting that when the time is right, you will know. 

But on most occasions, I find it can be tempting to stay completely frozen until having THE moment of perfect clarity… which can be another way of self-sabotaging or excuse for staying stuck.

Sometimes we think we’re looking for clarity, but what we’re really looking for is a guarantee that things will go our way, that we won’t be in pain or hurt. We’re trying to grasp unto something to feel safer because we’re afraid. 

But guess what, there ARE no guarantees. All we’ve got is life and what feels most aligned to us right now. 

In those cases, taking action can be one of the best ways to get clarity.

Saying yes to the experience and allowing it to unfold. 

If it’s a full body yes, you will feel it.

If it’s a fck no, you will know.

And both are perfect. 

You have full permission to change your mind and direction at any given moment.

Don’t be afraid of leaning into experiences before you have perfect clarity. 

Sometimes clarity can only be found IN the experience. 

Jeanine Gasser