Discovering your unique cycle and rhythm ⁣


So much of the work I do with women is about them discovering and claiming their unique cycles and rhythms. ⁣

We’ve been so conditioned to override our personal needs, ebbs and flows in the pursuit of “success/perfection/normality”, that we have forgotten what it feels like to be aligned to our true nature. We betray our own desires, in order to keep up with a world that trains us to work, live, love and be a certain way. The “right way”, or so we’re told.⁣

I listen to women's daily confessions of feeling guilty for resting. For not doing all the things mums “must” do according to the self-help book they read last week. For needing words of affirmation in their relationships (“am I too needy?!”). For hating yoga. A little voice in the back of their heads seems to whisper: this is not what you “should” want in a relationship, you need to try harder, if you’re resting it means you are not being “productive” enough, if you take time for self-care you’re a terrible mother who abandons her child...⁣

If we look at the wisest teacher of them all, nature, we see that every creature has its own unique timing, needs, movement. Why do we think we are any different to the Bulgarian rose? Or the winter squash? We ARE nature, after all.⁣

The only way of discovering OUR way is through leaving behind all the stories and rules we’ve taken on, and creating our own. Choosing to open up to ourselves with curiosity. To stop judging our wants and needs and instead decide to tune in every moment and ask ourselves: what feels most loving to me right now? How do I want to love? Work? Live?⁣

So, dear one, my invitation is to give yourself full permission to find your own beat. You don’t need to explain it to anyone. You don’t need to justify it. All you’ve got to do is give yourself the freedom to live it.

Jeanine Gasser