Mental Health

Although I could write about mental health for days, I’ll try to keep it short(ish).

I’m not a fan of labels, but for communication sake I’d say I’ve experienced forms of OCD, anxiety, insomnia, eating disorders, and depression (although while struggling with most of these, I made sure I was smiling at all times when surrounded by people).

While my mind is thankfully healthier than it’s been in the past, keeping my mind in check is something I need to show up for every day.

I can now see how these experiences have taught me to truly value joy, lightness, love and connection.

They’ve led me to meet the sticky parts I would’ve rather run away from and pretended they didn’t exist.

They’ve invited me to heal, grow, expand and understand that I’m not my mind and I’m not defined by my thoughts.

They’ve proved to me that ‘this too shall pass’.

They’ve taught me alchemy. By showing me how to transform pain, suffering, and despair into compassion, empathy, understanding, caring and kindness for myself & others.

This human experience isn’t always rainbows and unicorns.

But we’re all in this together.

We all go through dark nights.

And it’s those nights that contain the lessons necessary for us to become humble, grateful and to embrace our whole humanity.

To open our hearts and hold each other close.

To say ‘I made it through and you will too. And not only will you survive but you’ll emerge stronger and wiser than ever before’.

I guess what I’m trying to say is:
You’re not alone.
I’m here for you.
I love you.

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Jeanine Gasser