A good life


For the last couple of months I've been, as my beloved Rilke says, living the question of: "what is a good life?"

Often we say we want to have a good life, and yet I wonder how many of us are willing to sit in the inquiry of what good actually means to us.

I urge you, if it resonates, to feel into your own answer to that question - let your heart and soul contribute to your exploration for I have a feeling that is where the real answer arises from.

Although I sense a good life feels and looks different not only person to person, but also in various moments of one's own existence, I felt called to share some of my reflexions with the hope you find them helpful in finding your own... 

A good life is not necessarily one with a happy beginning, middle or end. ⁣

It’s not one in which everything always goes our way, or there is a constant state of joy, ease and flow.⁣

A good life is one that is lived fully. ⁣

It's one that has been inhabited with as much loving presence and attention as was available at any given moment.⁣

It’s one where we’ve given ourselves (along with our heart, body and soul) to the experiences that make our life. ⁣

It includes pain and discomfort and failure and confusion and longing and paradox. ⁣

It invites to venture into intimate relationships with friends, partners, siblings, neighbours and the multitudes that live within us.⁣

It holds love so profound we’re certain heartbreak could kill us.⁣

A good life is rich, plump, deep and worn. ⁣

It has been stretched by people, scratched by places and humbled by the human condition. ⁣

It contains mind, emotions, intuition and skin.⁣

It includes being tenderised, and perhaps learning to cultivate something akin to acceptance, kindness and contentment… we might even learn to recognise the divine in the ordinary - if we’re lucky.⁣

A good life is one in which we have spectacular falls because we have spectacular bravery to jump to the unknown with a cry.⁣

It's one in which we take the risk of opening with shaky hands, to know and be known.⁣

A good life is one in which we have been touched, squeezed and changed by it all. ⁣

A good life is one in which we leave our blood, sweat, tears, and laughter on the dance floor. ⁣

A good life says “I did my best”.⁣

It's one in which we dare meet life and the moment, with all it contains, to the best of our abilities.⁣

A good life is not given, it is chosen and created. ⁣

A good life is a tale of the epic courage required to be fully alive.

Jeanine Gasser