What if it was easy?


Over a year ago I mentioned to a friend I‘d love to spend a month in Paris in the near future to “improve” my French and explore the city.⁣

I proceeded to forget all about it.⁣

A year later, here I am. ⁣

I ended up, in a very serendipitous way, being offered an opportunity to spend 6 weeks in Paris.⁣

Things don’t always unfold the way we want them to, but when things align effortlessly it is oh so sweet. ⁣

I am often reminded that although we place so much emphasis on “making” things happen (pushing, planning, emailing, calling, scheduling, working, doing, doing, doing), sometimes what is required is simply being available enough to be found by what we long for. ⁣

What if it could be easy? soft? organic?⁣

Deeply grateful for the art (so. much. extraordinary. art!), rosé wine, sweaty walks by the Seine, weird metro experiences, unparalleled croissants, grammaire lessons that collapsed my brain, mouthwatering galletes, astounding beauty, and all the magical moments that unfolded.⁣

Paris, je t’aime. Á bientôt. ♥️

Jeanine Gasser