A dream come true


Visiting Japan has been my dream for as long as I can remember.⁣⁣
I’ve made it my mission to find where to get the best mochi, sushi, matcha, udon/soba anywhere I’ve lived in the world. That along with my obsession with gardens, flowers, ceramics, stationary, exquisite attention to detail, rituals… soul mates?⁣ I think so.
For a brief moment I actually had tickets for March 2020, ofc it didn’t end up happening. ⁣⁣
Fast forward to “my” London life, which I’ve been building for 7 years, slowly dissolving as I knew it without the next step fully landing… ⁣⁣
Until one night I asked myself, if I were to die in a year’s time, what would I regret not doing?⁣ If I didn’t overthink or overcomplicate it?
And the answer was clear. ⁣⁣
I booked a ticket to Tokyo 10 days prior to departure (while in the midsts of selling/packing all my stuff, cos why not!).⁣⁣
There was no plan, but that of trusting my heart’s call. ⁣⁣
If this is sounding a bit like Eat, Pray, Love (as a friend suggested) it is because I guess this kinda *is* my version of it but I’m eatin, prayin, and lovin all in one country.⁣⁣
With no schedule or idea of what exactly awaited me after a 14 hour flight, I landed with a suitcase in hand and wide eyes as I realised I had no clue about how anything worked…⁣⁣
And yet here we are, “accidentally” timing this trip with cherry blossom season, as well as with the end of my Saturn return which was, sweet baby Jesus, so devastating there were points I thought I wasn’t going to make it through. I know SR are meant to be intense, but adding a pandemic into the mix seemed a bit over the top, so asking the universe to go easy on me from now on pretty please.⁣⁣
Often things don’t happen when or how we want them to, yet it is in moments like these that I’m reminded to soften the grip and leap into the void while trusting life. ⁣⁣
After all, my lil mind is nothing compared to the eternal wisdom that spins the universe into perfect harmony.⁣⁣
I’m pretty sure I have no idea what this adventure holds, and I feel more alive than I have in years.⁣⁣ Can’t wait to share it all with you.
Sakura love🌸 xx

Jeanine Gasser