You may or may not be surprised at the revelation that… I’m a natural hermit and introvert. ⁣

I rejoice at the spaciousness of being alone in silence, reflecting about life, communing with nature, crying while reading poetry.⁣

Back in the day I would’ve probably lived in a hidden cave or in a cabin in the wilderness… ⁣

Maybe some rumours would’ve spread of a strange lady living somewhere in the middle of nowhere gathering weird herbs and howling naked every full moon. ⁣

I find it hilarious that I now have my business that requires me to put my Self (and my face) all over social media.⁣

And yet life has a way of inviting us to lean into our edges to grow past them.⁣

Rather than being a melancholic barefoot anonymous writer in the forest, here I am: my business’ accountant! reluctant marketeer! coach! copywriter! social media manager! website developer! head of customer service! Dial 1-800-JEANINE and I will support you with any digital or heart woe.⁣

…aaaaaand I wouldn’t have it any other way.⁣

I am learning to find beauty in spreadsheets and healing in marketing. Who knew?!⁣

It turns out having your business and being a team of 1 will invite you to fast-tracked transformation. It will confront you with your deepest insecurities, and reveal your biggest gifts.⁣

Cos, lemme tell ya, having your own biz is a full-on spiritual experience.

It requires courage, trust and a whole lot of showing up as you are (sometimes singing and burning incense… sometimes praying for the universe to send you clients and some inspiration along the way, thanks so much).⁣

Needless to say, my way of “doing” business is radically different to how I’ve been told it “should” be.⁣

I breathe into it. I dance with the wonderful, messy experience that it is.⁣

I infuse it with as much soul, slowness, and softness as I can (cos I’m a projector and my gosh do I need that).⁣

Truth is, I have made it my task to make art out of it.

Jeanine Gasser