How to build an "aligned" business


Creating an “aligned” business is not the easy choice.

It’s taken me a million breaths to keep coming back to what feels right, rather than what others tell me is right.

In previous jobs working for other people I did all the things biz coaches tell you to follow to have 10k months: : ICA! Scarcity-based marketing! “3 steps for X”…

From the get-go, I knew it wasn’t my way (no judgment btw, it just feels sticky to my system).

In a harsh world, I wanted to create a space that felt loving, grounded and soft.

So I took the less traveled road by checking in. Pausing. Waiting for the next action to be revealed.

Long story short: it’s involved lots of trial and error, meeting my edges on repeat, cringing my way through sharing videos and newsletters…

And, surprise! I've somehow had 10k months, incredible opportunities landing in my inbox, and my business calling in beautiful beings without me « forcing” anything.

Like any business, there’s been holy moments and “why the hell am I doing this to myself” moments.

Any yet, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

The way I run my biz is bespoke to me.

It’s a living being. It changes as constantly as I do. We both surprise each other all the time.

It has devotion at its heart. And it has nourished me by giving me the freedom to be myself. I’m blessed to be able to do this. I never ever take it for granted.

To clarify: it is not the “right” way of doing it. Nor the quickest way. Maybe not even the most profitable way… it is just my way.

How could I help women come back to themselves, while building a business abandoning myself?

From the beginning I knew there are certain things I wasn’t willing to compromise: I refuse to sell my soul, betray my heart or blindly follow someone else’s way of doing things.

Btw I still get random visits from the “maybe if you did it that way it would be easier, etc”.

Choosing authenticity is a daily practice, it looks different moment-by-moment.

So, my love, if you yearn to build something that feels right and true to you - it IS possible. It’ll require your courage, commitment and resilience… and a willingness to fall down, scrape your knee, get up teary and giddy with excitement for getting to journey this thing called life.

Jeanine Gasser