Your mission in this lifetime


Your mission in this lifetime is love.⁣

Real love.⁣

Nothing else will suffice.⁣

You will be shown what it is. And what isn’t.⁣

It will hurt, but it will save you.⁣

This is what you long for, and it will be given. It will be shown.⁣

Let go. Let go. My love, my sweetest one, my tender heart. ⁣

You are so loved.⁣

And you will know. One day you will know just how much.⁣

And you will understand why it took so much breaking and opening and shattering to contain the immensity of this love.⁣

No shortcuts. No lies.⁣

No, my love. You deserve the real thing.⁣

And you will remember the pain. And the one that you thought abandoned you. And the person who broke your heart. And you will kiss their feet. In gratitude for showing you what love is and what love isn't.⁣

This path is not for the fainthearted, but you’re here. You chose it. ⁣

Keep walking beloved. I will be holding your every step. I´ll be inside your every breath. ⁣

The path of truth. Of freedom. Is, and will always be, love.

♥️ This poured out yesterday as I was journaling, and it wanted to be shared. From my heart to yours, my loved ones xx

Jeanine Gasser